Career Highlights

Whilst I am only a member of a team that puts together a development, my hand is often significant. 
Over the years, projects I have worked on have won many state awards.
More recently, two projects won national awards:

High Commendation

Earlier on, I was awarded a High Commendation in 12D international Innovation Awards 2012, and in 2013, I became a “Beta Tester” for
12D Model design software (specialising in hydraulics).  
If the software engineers at 12D can build it, I’ll find a way to push it past its limits so the cycle of improvement continues.

Key Achievements

  • I came to an existing job by other consultant, and saved the client $9.6 million (costed) by radically changing the landform to sell material off site and reduced infrastructure.
  • Created 80 extra lots by convincing Client and Planner (via employer) to trade off a significant environmental value hill crest in favour of filling a denuded creek.
  • Created 60 extra lots by convincing Client and Planner (via directors) to trade off hill crest in favour of additional earthworks in a less environmentally significant area up slope.
  • Designed a complex stormwater system that saves import of approximately 2 million m3 imported material.
  • Maximised yield in a subdivision, and then created 11 extra lots by finding a better way to manage stormwater than in the Stormwater Management Plan.
  • Found a way to mitigate external on-road overland flow to allow a development to proceed in an economic and efficient way.
  • Contributed to making an unviable job viable with creative layouts and earthworks, despite a restrictive court order.